xrayhead MSK Cases

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dislocation ( rid4770 )
stress fracture ( rid4695 ...
leukemia ( rid3863 )
stripped periosteum and m ...
distal pole of scaphoid c ...
laceration of flexor poll ...
pcl tear dashboard injury
bucket-handle tear ( rid4 ...
metastasis ( rid5231 )
melorheostosis (rid34660)
achilles tendon ( rid3184 ...
acute rhabdomyolysis


xrayhead MSK Cases is a collection of Stanford and selected cases from OCAD MSK. For more cases, lectures, and news, join OCAD !

xrayhead MSK Cases
Hilary Umans MD
Phillip Tirman MD
Kyung Jin Suh MD PhD
Avneesh Chhabra MD
Bao Do MD

Official OCAD MSK site HERE !
xrayhead MSK Cases 2012-2022